Resources: Sketch book / paper, art materials
Watch this video for Boreal Forest, by Manchester jazz outfit Mammal Hands.

Boreal forests make up the world’s largest biome.
Also known as the taiga, the biome of boreal forests is found throughout the high northern latitudes, between the tundra and temperate forest.
Google images of boreal forests. Using whatever media you have, fill a whole page with sketches of the trees and other landscape. Weave words between the trees – what words does the music video make you think about while you are drawing? What animals do you think live amongst the branches?
Use Google to locate boreal forests around the world. Create your own Guide to Boreal Forests including your own special world map.
Write four sentences explaining the location of forests in relation to each other (e.g. the boreal forests of the Great Lakes are south of those in Alaska).
Success criteria
*8 compass points: north, east, south, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west
*include a key in your map
*label countries on your own map using maps online to help you
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